Why is the price hidden? We want to pass on our savings to our customers, so we've lowered the price of this item. However, since our price is now below the manufacturer's suggested retail price, we are restricted by the manufacturer from showing the price right away.
Why is the price hidden? We want to pass on our savings to our customers, so we've lowered the price of this item. However, since our price is now below the manufacturer's suggested retail price, we are restricted by the manufacturer from showing the price right away.
Why is the price hidden? We want to pass on our savings to our customers, so we've lowered the price of this item. However, since our price is now below the manufacturer's suggested retail price, we are restricted by the manufacturer from showing the price right away.
Why is the price hidden? We want to pass on our savings to our customers, so we've lowered the price of this item. However, since our price is now below the manufacturer's suggested retail price, we are restricted by the manufacturer from showing the price right away.
Why is the price hidden? We want to pass on our savings to our customers, so we've lowered the price of this item. However, since our price is now below the manufacturer's suggested retail price, we are restricted by the manufacturer from showing the price right away.
Whether you’re looking for quality trimmers for your landscaping company or you're a homeowner looking to make some improvements to your outdoor space, CPO carries the best assortment of trimmers for every need from trusted brands like Makita, Black & Decker, DeWALT, Greenworks, Husqvarna and Craftsman.
String trimmers are ideal for keeping the edges of your garden or lawn neat and tidy or for cutting down tall grass around flower beds, fences, or garden fixtures.